Lots of people ask us at BetSlayer why we present sure bets as low as 1%. The identification of a sure bet or arb is pretty cool. I mean it is virtually free money. But, is it worth it to do a 2% sure bet? There are a bunch of factors when considering a 2% sure bet. Read on below to see these factors as we assess whether a 2% sure bet is truly worth it or not.
Does the Match Start Soon?
Does the sure bet match start soon? This is an important question. If the match starts in the next 1-2 hours, then you can have a quick tour around and make a couple of pounds. If the sure bet match starts in 2 days, then it probably doesn’t make sense to your funds that are tied up for 2 days, this leads us onto to the next factor.

Do You Have Excess Funds?
Do you have excess funds at the sure bet bookies? If you have funds that you don’t mind tying up for 3-5 hours, then it makes sense to place a 2% sure bet. Arb opportunities show up without warning. So, there is always an opportunity cost that a higher returning sure bet could become available. But, if you have excess funds that won’t be tied up for very long, your opportunity cost window is very small and the 2% sure bet makes much more sense.
Betting on a Major Sports League?
Is it a major sporting league? There is always a risk of being limited or gubbed by the bookies. When placing a sure bet, the bookies are looking for punters who are doing sure bets. But, there is so much action on major sporting leagues that the bookies very rarely identify arb opportunities in a major sporting event. If a 2% sure bet in the Premier League is starting in the next hour. It most likely won’t draw any red flags at your sure bet bookies.

So, in summary the 2% sure bet can be a really profitable short arbitrage opportunity, so the answer to the original question of ‘Is a 2% Sure Bet Worth It?’ is yes. If you are interested in 2% sure bets then be sure to visit us at BetSlayer, we will have a number of 2% arb opportunities that a savvy sure bettor can take advantage of.
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