Social media has had a big impact on everything in the technological world. This is the same for sure betting, there are so many more people across various social media platforms that believe that they have the key to arbitrage betting although on a large scale this is not the case. In fact many people will believe anything that they see on social media these days to the point where it can be dangerous to trust any people who are genuinely knowledgeable in sure betting. Seen below are a few of the effects that social media has on sure betting.
Tipsters Are Not Always Right
We have all seen these tipsters on Twitter & Facebook that claim to know the secrets of arbitrage betting. The majority of them are just trying to get you to sign up to their services and through their teams in order to get themselves money. You may be lucky and find a legitimate sure bettor, however even with this it will not be worth the price you are paying compared to the price of professionals like ourselves at BetSlayer.
Find Arb Betting Groups
There are also plenty of arbitrage betting groups on Facebook that are actually great for the community as it can give people a basic understanding of sure betting to then go on to learn a higher knowledge with us at BetSlayer. These groups can also be risky though as you may fall into the same trap as with the tipsters due to some members trying to convince you to join their ‘exclusive’ arbitrage betting group. The Facebook group Arbitrage Betting Mastermind has a lot of experts and newbies alike that share tips on sure betting.

Inflated Odds
Betting companies can use social media platforms to prey on vulnerable & new sure bettors, they do this by advertising on your Facebook feed with odds like ‘40/1’ or ‘80/1’ on a very easy to achieve outcome. Most people would say this is too good to be true, they say this as it actually is! These huge, inflated odds will actually be paid to you in free bets, meaning you will be left no choice then to keep betting with that company. When browsing social media looking for sure betting topics, do not engage with these inflated odds no matter how enticing they may be.
Helpful Videos on Sure Betting
Social media is not all negative however, you will find some videos and helpful images from accounts that can give you a basic understanding of sure betting, you can find starting tutorials and useful advice from experienced arb bettors who have made a living from it. BetSlayer has a useful YouTube channel to help get you started. However as we have already mentioned, these videos are a first step in the ladder of sure betting before wanting to give it a proper go with our professionals at BetSlayer.

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